
Showing posts from October, 2020

Blogmas Official Announcement

 Hey y'all! In a previous post, I threw out the idea of a blogmas: a post a day in December. This is the official announcement that it is a go!! Yay! I've got some super fun stuff lined up, including guest hosts and challenges, but I won't give too much away right now 😉. However, I do still have some blank entries on my spreadsheet, so if y'all have any ideas, it is greatly appreciated if you would share those! Blogmas will officially start on December 1st, which is a Tuesday. Until then, look forward to more posts from yours truly, and know that I am planning behind the scenes 😁. I know this is a short post, and I apologize, but I just wanted to let y'all know about Blogmas!!

It's Been Awhile...

 How is it already October?? How is that even possible? Time has flown by, and it's been over an entire month since I last posted. School is crazy busy, but I am thriving in the Lord. It's officially fall, and I could not be more excited. This cool weather in NC is amazing . It's in the low to high 60's and on some days it's been in the low 70's, but it really hasn't gotten above 75. I love it. As I type, Mom is making sausage and grits, which I absolutely love. Would y'all like to see more recipes from me? I haven't posted much about food since the  banana bread mini muffins .  On another note, I have been super busy working on a secret project that will hopefully be released soon! I will keep y'all updated, but this is something that is quite exciting to me, and I hope it will be to you! I also got to thinking about fresh new things to post on the blogsphere. I came up with an idea, but I'll need y'all's help! I was hoping to do a &