Tent Camping?!?

Dear readers, I am not a "camping" type of person. I can't say I've ever enjoyed "roughing it." I've always loved the beach, and all thing around the beach. Between mountains and beach, I would definitely choose beach (One of the greatest things about living in North Carolina is that is you go one direction, you can go to the mountains, but if you go the other direction, you meet the seashores!). However, one of my favorite parts is relaxing at the hotel. This coming week, my grandma, sister, and I are headed down to South Carolina to go camping...in a tent. I have always been one to look forward to new experiences, but I can't say I was thrilled when I heard we were going for an ENTIRE WEEK. However, as the time has drawn closer, I am looking forward to this trip very much! I have packed (probably too much, lol) and prepared for several months now, complete with a Pinterest board specifically for this trip, lol. This means that I won't be able t...