
So, my lovely new friend, Sarah Grace, gave me a very good idea for a blog post! A Q&A!! I am super excited about this! Also, Ellen from Ellen's Musings is doing one at the same time, so that should be fun to do it alongside her! However, she is also doing assumptions, so that is extra cool! Ask me questions in the comments below, and I will be answering them next Thursday! Please don't ask me my birthday, but pretty much all other questions are good to ask (if one happens to be too personal, I just won't answer it). Have fun!

Also, I know some people might be a little confused on how to pronounce my name, lol. It's pronounced like "Kaylee" NOT "Calley." I know, it is different, but I like it! Btw, my Dad wanted to spell it Caelea (My mom vetoed that, lol) My middle name would have made that spelling even more confusing then it already is (heyyyyy that's a question you can ask "What's your middle name" ;))


  1. What is your middle name? 😊
    Do you have siblings?
    How long have you been saved by grace?
    What is your favorite book of the Bible?

    1. Good questions! (Especially that first one! Where did you ever think of it? Lol ;)) Thanks SawyerMarie!

  2. Why did you start a blog?
    Do you drive yet?
    What books do you like?
    Have you ever memorized a whole book of the Bible?
    DO you play any instruments?
    Skirts or dresses?

    It's funny you're doing a Q + A 'cause I am doing my second one on Monday. (I did one last May.)

    1. Thank you, Lilly! Lol, apparently all the bloggers are doing Q&A's now! Thanks for the questions!


  3. Yay!! This looks fun. :) Hmm, what can I ask? *scratches head* And I already know what your middle name is. ;) Okayyyyy . . .
    1). Do you drink coffee? If so, iced or hot?
    2). On a warm, sunny day, would you rather have a smoothie or a popsicle to beat the heat?
    3). When can we Face Time again??? ;D

    Can't wait to see your answers! <3

    p.s. Thanks for linking back to my blog. :)

    1. Lol, yes! Thanks for the questions. As to the facetime, very very soon! I'll send an email soon!


  4. YAY!!!! You're doing a Q&A post! *happy dance**throws confetti* Now to ask a gazillion questions 😂😝.
    1) What's your top three favorite movies? (Or TV shows if you're not a movie person.)
    2) If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
    3)If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be?
    4) What is your favorite meal?
    5) What is your favorite genre of music?
    6) Are you a neat person? Or kinda sloppy?
    7) Do you enjoy dressing up? Or do you not care?
    8) What is your favorite subject in school?
    That's all I can come up with for now--I probably could come up with more later. This is fun!

    1. Lol, these are great Gracie! Thanks! If you come up with more, don't be afraid to comment more, lol!


    2. Oh, I know I won't be afraid to--but you might be overwhelmed by all the questions, lol!

    3. Okay, I'm gonna give you a few more:
      1) If you could meet one fictional character, who would that be?
      2) What's your favorite genre for books?
      3) What's your LEAST favorite genre for books?
      That's all I have for now!

    4. Awesome! It would take a lot for me to be tired of questions, this is right up my alley!!


    5. YES!!!!! I love asking and answering loads and loads and loads--well, you get the picture 😉.
      I may be able to come up with more....😝😂

  5. Here are my questions:
    1. Do you have any pets?
    2. What is your favorite animal?
    3. Have you ever ridden a horse?
    4. Is there one food that you refuse to eat under any circumstances?
    5. What would you do if you won $100,000?
    6. What is your favorite sport, to watch or to play?
    7. What is your greatest fear?
    8. Would you kiss a cow on the nose for 50 dollars?
    9.. Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
    10. Are you going stir-crazy from being quarantined?
    I had way more questions than I thought I did. And they were way stranger than I thought I would make them. Oh well. Hopefully that makes them more fun to answer! ��

    1. These are great! I love the one about the cow, it made me laugh😂 Thank you, Elate!


  6. This is so fun!

    Whats your favorite color?
    Whats your favorite tv show?
    Whats your favorite movie?
    Your favorite book?
    Favorite animal?
    Do you have siblings?
    If so how many?
    Do you play sports?
    Do you like to swim?
    Whats your hair color?
    Whats your favorite outfit?
    Do you like to draw?
    If so Are you good ?
    If yes can you post some of your drawings?

    I'm so glad I found your blog through Ellens!!!

    1. Thank you, Annika!! These are great!


  7. I can only ever think of one question off the top of my head, its the same one I asked Ellen (I'm not creative :P)
    What is one thing you will never do?

  8. Yay! Okay, questions....
    1) If you knew you could not fail, what is one thing you would like to do?
    2) do you enjoy photography?
    3) what's your favorite color?
    4) favorite ice cream flavor?
    5) hard candy or chewy candy?

    1. These are awesome, Tori! Thank you so much!


  9. YAY!!!! I'll be doing one of these on my blog very soon, as well....!!
    Which president of the United States would you like to meet?
    What is your middle name?
    What is your least favorite food in the world?
    What is something you wouldn't do for $1,000,000?
    What is your favorite movie that is based on a book?

    1. These are so good! Thanks for the questions, Caitlyn!


  10. Oh yay! I love when bloggers do Q&A's ;-)
    Here's my questions...

    Would you rather have unlimited books or unlimited movies?

    Do you prefer movies based on books, or books based on movies?

    How long did it take for you to think up your blog name?


  11. What's your favourite memory?
    What's your favourite time of day ?
    What's your favourite type of book to read?


  12. These Q&As are fun! This is my third one today :D I found your blog through Ellen's, and I just finished up commenting on her Q&A a few minutes ago :D

    1) Which classic fiction character are you the most like?
    2) Do you like to pet every animal you see?
    3) Have you ever wished book characters were real people that you knew? If so, which ones would be at the top of your list?
    4) Do you ever read more than one book at a time (not like, at the exact same time- obviously :-) -, but starting one before you finish another up. Does that make any sense? I know I do it :D)?
    5) Do you like black and white or color TV shows better?
    6) What exotic animal would you choose for a pet (if any animal was legal to keep :D)?

    1. Thanks, Abby! I've added your questions to the list!


  13. Caleigh, this may sound weird......... But how do you go about answering these Q&As? I'm doing one on my blog, and I was just wondering......

    1. Hey Caitlyn, I know i'm not Caleigh but I might be able to help a little! =)
      I did a sorta Q&A on my blog a while ago. I think it would be easiest if you copy all the questions(that you are going to answer) on to a new post then answer then. Does that make sense? Here's an example,

      Whats your favorite color?


      Do you like meat?

    2. Hi Caitlyn! Annika is correct, tomorrow I am posting my answers to the Q&A *squeals in excitement*. Thank you Annika, I could not have explained it better myself :)


    3. OK, I understand now! I kinda thought that's how you did it, but I wasn't sure :)

  14. Ok, some of these might be repeats, but I have a couple.

    What is one unique or interesting fact about yourself?

    Can you do your own hair or does your mom or a sister do it?

    Have you been outside of the country?

    Has anyone assumed that you are something you actually aren't (ex: mother)?

    Have fun with these!

    1. Thanks, Katelyn! None of these are repeats, and they are great! Thank you!



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