New Blog Name??

 Hey y'all! So, I've been a part of the the Internet for just over 4 months now (wow, it's really been that long?!), and I'm not a huge fan of the name. It was a last minute decision, as I really couldn't think of anything "creative," so to speak. Y'all have seemed to like it, but I think it may be time for a new blog name. However, I'm still completely out of ideas for names. I need your help! Please, if you can think of a fresh, new blog name, please comment it below. If I have enough of you say that you like "Caleigh's Random Thoughts," best, I will probably keep it, but I'm really hoping for something new. 

My original thought was to give you a few options for names, and have you vote; however, I really don't have any ideas! Please, let me know what you think! I look forward to seeing y'all's creative names!!


  1. I like "Caleigh's Random Thoughts". It seem to fit so well. :)

  2. Is there a part of your favorite bible verse that could be a good title? Or, try listening to the lyrics in music because something could just pop out at you. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. I really like "Caleigh's Random Thoughts"!! Like Lilly said, it fits your blog perfectly. :D

  4. I like Caleigh's Random Thoughts, but you could name it something to do with chicken wings hotdogs and baloney if you catch my drift๐Ÿ˜

    1. Oh dear.... Good memories, lol๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


  5. I think that if a name that relates to you pops into your head, then that’s what you should go with. Maybe one of your favorite colors or things๐Ÿ˜€
    I’ll will be thinking names.

  6. Hey Caleigh! I don't know if I've commented before but I love your blog!! I think we've been blogging for the same amount of time! *winks* I'm actually trying to find a new name for my blog too, cause I want something fun and creative!

    Hmm yeah, I would suggest some line from a book, song or verse!


    1. Hi! Thank you! It really means a lot! That's so cool we've both been blogging around the same time! Thanks so much for the input!!


  7. Well...... don't ask my advice, it took me 4 months to come up with a name for my own blog. I really like the name you already have, but I can kinda see why you want to change it lol. I got my name from the song "Flight of the Bumblebee." We changed the bumblebee to Quill, and I really like it. Maybe listen to some of your favorite songs, and see if you can get a name from that?

    1. That's so funny! I absolutely LOVE your blog name! I love oldies, so maybe I can play off of one of those songs?? Thanks for the input!


  8. Maybe something that will ryme? Or all the same letters? It doesn't necessarily have to....because I was thinking of changing my blog name to something else, and it just SOUNDED good. Maybe try to find synonyms for simple words? I honestly don't know. *shrugs*
    Good luck!

  9. If you don't mind... The reason I love 'Caleigh's Random Thoughts' is bec, if you don't mind. Your post are kind of random, and I LOVE it XD

    1. Thank you Sawyer! The input means a lot!


  10. Okay, so I think I have decided to stick with Caleigh's Random Thoughts. I didn't realize how many of you loved the name, lol! It does seem to fit well, so I'm going to stick with the original name. Thanks so much for all of the wonderful input!!


    1. Yayyayyayyay! *confetti* ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


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