It's Been Awhile...

 How is it already October?? How is that even possible? Time has flown by, and it's been over an entire month since I last posted. School is crazy busy, but I am thriving in the Lord. It's officially fall, and I could not be more excited. This cool weather in NC is amazing. It's in the low to high 60's and on some days it's been in the low 70's, but it really hasn't gotten above 75. I love it. As I type, Mom is making sausage and grits, which I absolutely love. Would y'all like to see more recipes from me? I haven't posted much about food since the banana bread mini muffins

On another note, I have been super busy working on a secret project that will hopefully be released soon! I will keep y'all updated, but this is something that is quite exciting to me, and I hope it will be to you! I also got to thinking about fresh new things to post on the blogsphere. I came up with an idea, but I'll need y'all's help! I was hoping to do a "blogmas," where I post every day of December. Maybe some of y'all could be guest hosts. I would have you post, potentially telling about your favorite Christmas traditions, your favorite gift that you've ever received, some fun Christmas games to play, etc. It's not official yet, but please let me know what you think about that idea in the comments! Give me ideas on what to post, because a post a day for an entire month is a lot!! I've got a busy day ahead, so I'll log off now, but before I go, here are some of my favorite pictures, just for fun!

I took Jellybean outside for awhile on a nice fall day, and she proceeded to eat a leaf😂. Uhhhh, I hope that's okay for your digestion!

Dad's birthday was about a week ago, and I made him a lattice cherry pie, one of his favorites. It turned out quite nicely, I think!

Today is our very last day in the volleyball season (my sister played this year, I did not) and this was senior night!

This was a beautiful sunset I got to witness!!

My sweet cousin (born in January) fell asleep. She is the cutest!

My favorite picture of all time: my mom was laying down in the floor, and Jells decided to make a visit ;)

That's all for now! Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Aww fun! A post every day of December sounds wonderful! you could do the 30 Day Challenge, or your ideas sound fantastic too! Scheduling is handy too if you have time to write a couple of posts a day and won't find time on another day! Jells is adorable!😍

    1. Thanks so much for the ideas, Autumn! I love it! I am slowly getting my bearings on what this would look like and how much work each day would consist of! Thanks so much for the support! I totally agree, Jells IS pretty cute ;)


  2. Awesome pictures! I like the idea about posting every day of December and having guest posts, too. :D Depending on how many 'guests' you had, you might only have to think up a few other posts. :-)

    1. Thanks Hannah! I'm trying to figure everything out, and so far it's coming along quite smoothly! Thanks for your continued support!


    2. You're welcome, Caleigh. :-)

  3. Yes, more recipes please! And I hope you post a bit more often!

    1. Okay! Thank you for the input! Eek, yes, I DEFINITELY need to post more often! That was waaaayyy too long to be gone!!


  4. hahahaha! It's 30 degrees today. Blog-Christmas sounds fun!

    1. Oh my goodness!! That sounds, well, really cold!! Have you had any hot chocolate yet?? That's probably my favorite part of the cold weather!! Thanks so much!


  5. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm most certainly glad to be back!!



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