Personal Snippet//Day 27🎇🎇

My last personal snippet of the month, although this doesn't mean much, considering you'll see many more "personal snippets" from me, although they might not have the official name of personal snippets, lol. This week felt the most like Christmas, most likely because this was the week of Christmas, lol😉. I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, I know I did! As y'all know, I was in Virginia for Christmas Eve, but only for a day trip. However, Christmas Day I was informed that my grandparents had had a white Christmas!! To think that we were just there the day before! North Carolina got no snow, at least not where I live, but brrrrr was it cold!! It did not get above 30°F! I am naturally cold natured, so I stayed bundled up in a sweatshirt and sweats most of the day, lol. However, I had a wonderful Christmas with just my immediate family for the majority of the day. My Nana came over that night, which was fun. Yesterday I spent a few hours at the roller skating rink with a few close friends, which was extremely fun. If you don't this about me already, I am a total extrovert, and love getting together with people. This week has been quite a good one! 

Jellybean the bunny examining if Nana got her anything for Christmas, lol

Wishing you a Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!

Me, after claiming victory to the stacking cup game (I had the fastest time :))

The pantyhose game, where you have to make "antlers" by blowing up balloons, shoving them down pantyhose, and sticking the entire contraption on your head. It was guys against girls, and may I just say, my mother, aunt, sister and I aced it ;). Btw, the game is much harder than it looks. Here's a tip from a not-so-pro: don't blow up the balloons very large at all! The pantyhose is only so forgiving 😬.

Note: The giveaway is still open until the 30th!! Make sure you enter asap :)



  1. Awesome photos!! I always enjoy reading your personal snippets. :)
    Glad you had a great week!! <3

  2. Fun photos! Sounds like a nice Christmas! :)


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